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Prevention is better than diagnosis

Check and manage your dog’s immunity


NK PUPPY registration and approval details

  • Animal medical device manufacturing: License No. 141(APQA)
  • Vacuum blood Collection Tube (NK PUPPY Tube): License No. 141-001 (APQA)
  • NK cell activity-induced IFN-g Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay: License No. 141-002 (APQA)

Measurement of immunity (NK cell activity) for a healthy life of dogs

NK PUPPY is a test that measures your dog’s immunity (NK cell activity). It will help your dog to lead a happy and healthy life by regularly checking immunity to determine and prevent potential risk of diseases. Immunity check is now essential for dogs.

반려견의 혈액으로 면역력(NK세포 활성도) 측정, 체내 면역활성 정도를 확인하는 유일한 검사, 반려견의 건강관리 모니터링 지표로 활용 가능, 모든 견종에서 검사 가능 (12주령 이상)

Interpretation of the immunity test for pet (NK cell activity)


  • The activity of NK cells is good. The immune responses are strong against diseases such as cancers.
  • A regular checkup is recommended once a year for adult dogs and once a 6 months for old dogs to maintain your dog’s immunity in good condition.


  • The NK cell activity is relatively lower than that of healthy dogs. Your dog need activities to increase the immunity.
  • The test result may be temporarily lowered depending on your dog’s health condition (i.e. stress and physical activity). A follow up checkup is recommended after consulting a veterinarian.


  • The NK cell activity is low and may be caused by a disease which can lower the activity of NK cells.
  • Further tests may be required after consulting a veterinarian.

Clinical trial results of NK cell activity test for dogs

NK PUPPY was used to measure the NK cell activity of dogs in various conditions. As a result, it was confirmed that NK cell activity can be used as an indicator of the dog’s immune status. Measuring the NK cell activity of dogs can be used to monitor the current health status and prevent chronic and severe diseases such as cancers, and immune-related diseases in advance.

Q. Do dogs with diseases have lower NK cell activity compared to the healthy dogs?
A. There is a significant difference in NK cell activity between the healthy and dogs with diseases.

Differences in NK cell activity between healthy and diseased dogs

정상견과 질환견의 NK세포 활성도 차이 그래프
Q.Is there a difference in NK cell activity in accordance to age or breed (weight)?
A. There is no significant difference in NK cell activity according to age and breed.

Differences of NK Cell activity in ages and breeds

  • Differences of NK Cell activity in ages and breeds graph 1
  • Differences of NK Cell activity in ages and breeds graph 2

* NK cell activity: Canine IFN-γ secretion (pg/ml)

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